Discover What The Ritz-Carlton, Chicago Has to Offer...

Group raised human arms and hands holding together the green world. Justice and no racism, world environment day, social and environmental justice concept.

Sustainability Initiatives

The Ritz-Carlton, Chicago has implemented several initiatives to protect our environment and reduce our carbon footprint.


PATH Water Bottles

Hotel Commonwealth is proud to offer our guests PATH water bottles. PATH is the first genuinely sustainable bottled water as its the only bottled water company in the industry that offers premium enhanced water in a refillable aluminum bottle that is 100% recyclable and made in the U.S.A.

Building Management

A fully upgraded building Management System to monitor air and power based on occupancy in our event spaces, we employ light sensors across the property, technical analysis to reduce energy consumption, water saving showerheads in all guestrooms, and large-format bath amenities & aluminum bottles to minimize plastic usage.

Clean the World Global

Clean the World is a global leader in sustainable, environmental and social impact solutions, transforming used soap bars and plastic amenities that the hospitality industry would otherwise discard into life-saving, essential supplies for communities in need across the globe.

Save that Stuff

We also partner with Save That Stuff, a recyclable materials waste service company, to responsibly manage the recyclable waste materials produced in all guest bedrooms. Save That Stuff help over three thousand New England businesses and institutions safely and efficiently dispose of a wide range of recoverable materials otherwise destined for the dumpster.

Organic Compost

As a result of our partnership with BioGreen360, to divert all food not eaten from landfills, we return that transformed food back to property to be used in potting kits for guests, or in bulk for community efforts in the greater Boston area. This premium organic fertilizer is a testament to the environmental impacts of a fully circular platform being implemented.  


We also partner with Save That Stuff, a recyclable materials waste service company, to responsibly manage the recyclable waste materials produced in all guest bedrooms. Save That Stuff help over three thousand New England businesses and institutions safely and efficiently dispose of a wide range of recoverable materials otherwise destined for the dumpster.

Discover what The Ritz-Carlton, Chicago has to offer